Monday 16 August 2010

Weigh In 14/08/2010, illness and not a good start to the week :o(

Well I gained 1.5 lbs last week and have absolutely no idea why! It hasn't so much put me off but Iwas always going to have a hectic/naughty weekend off points anyway! Ate waaaay too much on Saturday but got straight back on it Sunday.

Haven't been feeling well all weekend though and it all got worse yesterday. Went to the doctors this morning and I have a really bad water infection - the nurse has even sent my sample to the hospital to check it out. Should be fine but I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself! Also, I wonder if I may have been retaining water last week which is why I gained. Oh, and totm never turned up despite the signs! So confused right now!!

So I didn't go to the gym today due to feeling rather uncomfortable but I plan to go tomorrow. Also been picking a little bit today, nothing major but I guess it all adds up. Making my friend a cake so sneaked a bit of mixture. I know it's bad but... Also, I'm drinking lots of cranberry juice at the moment (obvious reasons!) and can't 'afford' to spare those points which means I'll be over most days. I'm trying to drink no point squash too but still having cranberry juice. So not a great start to the week.

Oh, I almost forgot, the nurse asked me if I wanted to try Orlistat today. Wasn't sure what to make of it but have never been interested in such medication and think I'm going to carry on as I am.


Tuesday 10 August 2010

Midweek Update

Least it is more like midweek this time! Having a really good week so far, had a couple of NSVs, managing (so far!) to stick to points and been to the gym 3 times already!

So, one at a time! Food-wise I'm doing great - making wise choices and thinking about what I'm eating. I even turned down McDonalds today which is a huge step for me, I usually have a weak moment and give in! But no, I'd planned my lunch, bought my sandwich from boots and said NO go me! Even tonight at the pub quiz a couple of my friends got food/ice cream and I didn't! Again, a few weeks ago I'd have got something even thought I didn't need it.

The gym - also going great. I even went on Sunday!! Never been on a Sunday before but it was nice, quiet but I prefer it that way! I've been twice since, Monday and today - and worked damn hard each time too! I'm really enjoying it and feel so good afterwards. I nearly didn't go today - had a rubbish night's sleep and generally wasn't feeling up to it. But a couple of people spurred me on and I went. Again, a big thing for me :o) Not going again this week as I'm going to Warwick Castle on Thursday so 1) I want to rest tomorrow 'cos I know I'll be doing a lot of walking and 2) I'm determined to get to the top of Guy's Tower, but don't want to tire myself out too much from the gym beforehand! Wish me luck!

Lastly, NSVs. Well I've kind of mentioned a couple already - gym on a Sunday/3 days in a row AND turning down McDonalds (just after going to the gym as well!). There was another one though. I've just decorated my new room and totally finished it off with photos/frames etc. I have a pinboard above my bed that I call my 'weightloss board' where I have before photos and current photos - thought a pinboard would be handy cos I can easily change them. Well, my older brothers went and had a look at my new room and when they came back downstairs one of them said to me 'Em, I never actually realised how just huge you were, it's amazing! You've lost loads of weight.' Ok, so it sounds harsh, but you need to understand our relationship/sense of humour to understand that not only was he making light of it, it was actually his way of paying me a compliment...which was nice!

So there's my week so far, and it's only Tuesday! Going to the cinema tomorrow where I WON'T be eating pick 'n' mix lol and then Warwick Castle on Thursday which I'm really looking forward to :o) I think I mentioned it in my previous post but I'll be weighing in onFriday this week as I'm staing at a friend's Friday night then going to Birmingham Saturday. Having dinner out so will have to try and plan/make wise choices!

Will update when I can xxxxxxx

Saturday 7 August 2010

Weigh In 07/08/2010

Had WI this morning and I put on a pound. Pleasantly surprised really as I expected more! So, that's out the way, onto the next week :o) I've partly planned my week, meals at least. hoping to go to the gym a few times this week too, although my back's hurting again so I'm gonna have to take it easy - you never know it might help it! Can't decide whether or not to go out tonight...I know that that's where I've probably gained so much weight recently, through alcohol so should really stay in. I've pretty much finished my room now so could just put a DVD on and chill tonight. That way I'll go to the gym tomorrow...if I go out there's no way I'll get there! lol

So I'm over my gain, there's a number of reasons it could have happened all of which I'm well aware of - dinner at TGI's on Monday wasn't a good start to the week, or the lunch out on Tuesday, or the pick 'n' mix on Wednesday! And it was only a pound so I'm pretty pleased! That's a point, Here's pictures from Monday night - we went to TGI's for my friend's 21st...

I'm really getting into maxi dresses - I got this from Yours, I love that shop!

I'm feeling positive for this week - been shopping today, even bought sugar free jelly...that's when you know I mean business! I'll be weighing in on Friday this week as I'm staying at a friend's and won't be at home to do it Saturday. Got a busy week though, gym, cinema, going to Warwick Castle again on Thursday so hoping to get a bit of walking in :o)

Hope everyone's well xxxx

Thursday 5 August 2010

Midweek Update

Ok, so it's a bit later than midweek but I thought I'd better keep up this whole blogging thing! Not been too good food-wise this week - had dinner at TGI's on Monday so not a good start at all! I've not been majorly bad, just a bit picky. The way I see it though, is that I was off the wagon for so long eating anything and everything and I know I'll struggle to stick to it religiously straight away. So I was always going to be a bit bad - but not as bad as I have been in the last four months or so. If any of that makes sense?? lol I also had pick 'n' mix at the cinema last night!! But I did try and plan around that so again, less damage than it would have done before.

I have, however, been back to the gym this week and I'm really pleased :o) they were really happy to see me back and although it was tough to start with I felt great afterwards. I'm actually looking forward to getting back into it more regularly - all my laziness made me forget how much I actually enjoy it.

I do have one confession...I had a sneaky peek this morning (well, afternoon by the time I got up!) and really wish I hadn't. It showed a gain, quite a big one as well. I'm annoyed for a couple of reasons. Firstly, 'cos I know it may not be the case at my official WI, it was a different day and different time. Secondly, although I've had the odd slip up, I don't think it deserves such a big gain!! :o( Unless, it's because I've been back to the gym?? I don't know, and won't know officially till Saturday but what I'm not going to do is give up on that basis - normally I'd think, well stuff it, if I've gained I might as well have this or have that. But no...I'll stick to points for the rest of today and for tomorrow and might even go to the gym again tomorrow morning. We'll see.

Hope everyone's well xxxx

Monday 2 August 2010

Brand new blog!

Hi Everyone!
I had another blog under Em's Rollercoaster Weightloss Ride but started to have problems with a random user posting random comments with a dodgy link on it so figured I'd start a new one! Also, as I've 'started again' again recently I felt a new blog might help me to stay on track.

So, a bit about me...I'm Emily, I'm 23 years old and I'm from Northampton. I have been on Weight Watchers on and off for just over two years and been very up and down! Overall I have lost weight, probably about 2 stone and I am generally the slimmest I've been for many many years. But recently I've fallen off the wagon and gained some of the weight I lost. I got so close to my 3 stone and then went crazy lol so I'm back and I'm determined! I'm going to be a bridesmaid in June 2011 and I want to look nice! So that's a future goal although I know mini goals are best way to do it.

I LOVE photos and find them really helpful to my own journey so this first post of my brand new blog is all about photos. The first ones are me now and the ones below are me at my biggest. I'm really proud of my achievement so far but I know I have a long way to go...I CAN DO IT!

The most recent photo of
me 24/07/2010

Me in a dress 19/06/2010 - I felt extremely
 comfortable in the dress and very girly :)

Christmas 2008
Summer 2008
When I first started WW I weighed 18 stone 12 and I now weigh 17stone 5. I managed to get down to 16 stone 2 at the beginning of this year and although I've put weight back on I don't think it shows that much...luckily! I've been back on track a week now and lost 2 lbs at WI on Saturday so was really pleased. I've been to the gym again today (after 3 months of not going!) and feel great! Will post more in the week.