Monday 2 August 2010

Brand new blog!

Hi Everyone!
I had another blog under Em's Rollercoaster Weightloss Ride but started to have problems with a random user posting random comments with a dodgy link on it so figured I'd start a new one! Also, as I've 'started again' again recently I felt a new blog might help me to stay on track.

So, a bit about me...I'm Emily, I'm 23 years old and I'm from Northampton. I have been on Weight Watchers on and off for just over two years and been very up and down! Overall I have lost weight, probably about 2 stone and I am generally the slimmest I've been for many many years. But recently I've fallen off the wagon and gained some of the weight I lost. I got so close to my 3 stone and then went crazy lol so I'm back and I'm determined! I'm going to be a bridesmaid in June 2011 and I want to look nice! So that's a future goal although I know mini goals are best way to do it.

I LOVE photos and find them really helpful to my own journey so this first post of my brand new blog is all about photos. The first ones are me now and the ones below are me at my biggest. I'm really proud of my achievement so far but I know I have a long way to go...I CAN DO IT!

The most recent photo of
me 24/07/2010

Me in a dress 19/06/2010 - I felt extremely
 comfortable in the dress and very girly :)

Christmas 2008
Summer 2008
When I first started WW I weighed 18 stone 12 and I now weigh 17stone 5. I managed to get down to 16 stone 2 at the beginning of this year and although I've put weight back on I don't think it shows that much...luckily! I've been back on track a week now and lost 2 lbs at WI on Saturday so was really pleased. I've been to the gym again today (after 3 months of not going!) and feel great! Will post more in the week.


  1. The picture with no caption went a bit crazy in the upload...but it's from 2007 :) xx

  2. Hey Em's, I'm so glad to hear that your back and fighting. Keep in touch! I can't wait to see the pounds drop off you again :)

    And don't worry I had to change mine too as my name kept confusing people.


  3. Hiya Emily. It's good to see you back :o)
    I think a lot of us have struggled this year. I know I have been.
    Well done on not giving up altogether and getting back on track. Fab start after your little break. You'll soon be back to where you were before.
    Have a fantastic week.
    Karon xxx
