Thursday 5 August 2010

Midweek Update

Ok, so it's a bit later than midweek but I thought I'd better keep up this whole blogging thing! Not been too good food-wise this week - had dinner at TGI's on Monday so not a good start at all! I've not been majorly bad, just a bit picky. The way I see it though, is that I was off the wagon for so long eating anything and everything and I know I'll struggle to stick to it religiously straight away. So I was always going to be a bit bad - but not as bad as I have been in the last four months or so. If any of that makes sense?? lol I also had pick 'n' mix at the cinema last night!! But I did try and plan around that so again, less damage than it would have done before.

I have, however, been back to the gym this week and I'm really pleased :o) they were really happy to see me back and although it was tough to start with I felt great afterwards. I'm actually looking forward to getting back into it more regularly - all my laziness made me forget how much I actually enjoy it.

I do have one confession...I had a sneaky peek this morning (well, afternoon by the time I got up!) and really wish I hadn't. It showed a gain, quite a big one as well. I'm annoyed for a couple of reasons. Firstly, 'cos I know it may not be the case at my official WI, it was a different day and different time. Secondly, although I've had the odd slip up, I don't think it deserves such a big gain!! :o( Unless, it's because I've been back to the gym?? I don't know, and won't know officially till Saturday but what I'm not going to do is give up on that basis - normally I'd think, well stuff it, if I've gained I might as well have this or have that. But no...I'll stick to points for the rest of today and for tomorrow and might even go to the gym again tomorrow morning. We'll see.

Hope everyone's well xxxx

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